Delivery policy
We ship to Paypal CONFIRMED addresses with Fedex for domestic orders. Orders will be processed in 1-2 business days. You will be provided a tracking number once your item is shipped. You will be notified of the status of your order upon purchase of item.
Purchased items will be shipped within 5 business days of the order, although most will be within 3 to 4. Orders with custom hemming will be shipped within 7 business days. Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery to arrive. If you still have not received your purchase after 3 weeks, please notify Buyer assumes any and all duties and customs costs for orders shipping outside of the U.S. and will be contacted in advance should additional charges need to be made. Bridge & Boro Apparel LLC is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged shipments. All domestic shipments are sent with a delivery confirmation and the buyer assumes all responsibilities of lost items.
All prices do not include charges for ground shipping and handling or taxes. Orders within New York state are subject to state taxes. All orders over $150 delivered to customers within the United States will not be charged for shipping costs. For customers outside the United States, additional charges may apply. Please email if this is the case.